About Serve to Lead
and understanding for our roles as servants,
not only in our communities but, also to those abroad.

Here’s why this is important for you:
I wasn’t born a leader.
I was raised by a single mother in near total poverty and lived in neighborhoods where drugs, violence, and crime were part of everyday life. By the time I was ten, I’d already faced physical, mental and emotional abuse outside the home.
But Mom instilled in me at a young age that…
A Life Worth Living Starts By Serving
Something Bigger Than Yourself.
She was living proof.
With strength of character, and a little of Mom’s encouragement, I was able to rise from my humble beginnings to finish near the top of my class in High School, then go on to play college and professional baseball, before succeeding as both an Athletic Director and Head Coach.
The fact of the matter is, just about everything I have built my life on was so graciously given to me by people you’ve never heard of, and I would venture to say you never will. These ‘servants’ are all around us and work small miracles everyday.
If you’ll only “tune in”, they’ll teach you all you need to know, and there will be plenty leftover to teach others! This was the basis of my 2017 book Serve To Lead, which I’m humbled to say garnered praise and accolades from many people I respect.
Since that time, God’s path for me has taken a turn I could not have predicted. Diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer, I faced my greatest challenge yet, and through this journey uncovered a depth of beauty and fulfillment in my life I never knew existed.
Which leads me to the reason for my letter today.
The sequel to my first book Serve To Lead 2 is now available to order.